Editorial Policies

Focus and Scope

Journal of Management Applications and Business Innovation (JAMIN) is a scientific publication journal published by Sekolah Tinggi Ilmu Ekonomi Kertanegara , Malang. JAMIN's goal is to build effective communication channels between stakeholders including academia and research institutions, business, government and society. It also aims to disseminate research findings in the development of management theory and practice, and innovation in business and entrepreneurship, especially in Indonesia.

JAMIN accepts both empirical and theoretical articles relating to micro and macro phenomena in the development of management science. Manuscripts suitable for publication in the JAMIN journal include business strategy and policy, entrepreneurship, finance and accounting studies, human resource management, operational management, marketing management, organizational behavior, organizational theory, information systems management and research methods.


Section Policies


Checked Open Submissions Checked Indexed Checked Peer Reviewed

Peer Review Process

The journal review policy and process is carried out by the JAMIN journal editorial team and assisted by external reviewers from outside the institution using the blind review method. The number of reviewers who are usually used in reviewing the submission of each article is 2 people, the criteria used by reviewers to assess submissions are from the systematic side of writing scientific papers, methods and suitability of results. The typical time taken for review is 4 weeks after the article is submitted. Reviewers are professionals or academics in the field in accordance with the context of the article submitted.


Open Access Policy

This journal provides immediate open access to its content on the principle that making research freely available to the public supports a greater global exchange of knowledge.



Journal of Management Applications and Business Innovation (JAMIN), published by the Management Study Program of the STIE Kertanegara, Malang, is published regularly twice a year. JAMIN Journal aims to disseminate research results in the field of management and business to academics, practitioners, students and other parties relevant to the development of management science. JAMIN Journal accepts submissions of articles written in Indonesian and English. Articles submitted to JAMIN Journal must attach a statement of approval and guarantee not to be sent or published to other journals. Determination of articles published through a review process by the editorial board team by considering, among others: fulfillment of journal publication standard requirements, the research method used, and other requirements in accordance with applicable regulations.



Mailing Address

Program Studi Manajemen

Sekolah Tinggi Ilmu Ekonomi Kertanegara Malang

Jl. Cengger Ayam 1/5, Kota Malang

Official email : prodimanajemen@stiekma.ac.id

Principal Contact

Syaifuddin Fahmi

Editor in cheif Jurnal JAMIN

Contact Email : syaifuddin_fahmi@stiekma.ac.id