Risna Wijayanti, Hafidzah Nurjannah, Nuraini Desty Nurmasari


Riau Malay Songket Weaving is one of the superior commodities of Riau Province which has special characteristics and products in this province. However, this business has experienced very slow or stagnant development. It can be seen that there are still many songket entrepreneurs who only have 1 non-machine loom (ATBM) or are still being worked on by the owner. Based on these problems, this community service activity is carried out by providing several solutions such as assisting in the initialization of collaboration embryos between small entrepreneurs and songket weaving micro-entrepreneurs who are in the Songket Weaving business environment in Pekanbaru City, supply chain analysis assistance to find more supply chain alternatives. profitable, helping alternative suppliers of raw materials that are more profitable, and enriching entrepreneurial orientation insights for songket weaving entrepreneurs. With these steps, it is hoped that Songket Weaving entrepreneurs can maximize their intellectual capital and encourage micro and small entrepreneurs to consider preparing strategic plans and alternative strategic decisions which are expected to have an impact on the business of developing songket weaving in the Pekanbaru City area as well as becoming a regional superior product in the future. 

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